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Æringur 2011 verður haldin í Bolungarvík, áhugasamir sendið umsóknir í tölvupósti: aeringur@gmail.com
Líkt og í fyrra er þema hátíðarinnar staðbundið og er mikilvægt að gera ráð fyrir góðum tíma í Bolungarvík til að vinna að sýningunni.Opnunin á Æringi verður laugardaginn 2. júlí, en á sama tíma halda Bolvíkingar bæjarhátíðina Markaðsdaga hátíðlega og því verður mikið um að vera.
Æringur er spennandi viðbót við Markaðsdaga og skemmtilegt verður að vinna með bæjarbúum að góðri dagskrá fyrir hátíðina. Uppi eru m.a. hugmyndir um að standa fyrir ljóðakvöldi í Einarshúsi, einu krá bæjarins og allar aðrar hugmyndir eru vel þegnar. Þeir listamenn sem hafa áhuga á að taka þátt í Æring 2011 eru beðnir um að senda tölvupóst með nafni og cv á aeringur@gmail.com
Open call for ÆRINGUR 2011, in Bolungarvík, Iceland.
Application deadline 25th April 2011-03-27
Send your application to aeringur@gmail.com
Application should include:
Artist CV
Short statement
5-10 images of previous work.
About the project:
Æringur in Bolungarvík is the second of what is intended to become an annual art exhibition held in the beginning of July every year. The festival is held in a different location each time and focuses on the smaller communities dotting the Icelandic coastline. Last year Æringur was held for the first time, at Stöðvarfjörður on the east coast of Iceland, with 24 artists from Iceland, Sweden and Belgium.
Æringur allows young and promising artists to experience the atmosphere outside the capital region and invites them into a space that was not necessarily intended for art exhibitions. It is conceived as a site-specific project that deals with the society and the environment it is held in. Therefore we encourage the artists to stay and work on their projects for at least 10 days before the opening. The artists are invited to arrive in Bolungarvík from the 17th of June to get acquainted with the town and its surroundings.
This year, Æringur received a grant from the Youth in Action program so the invited artists will receive support of a certain amount for travel cost and accommodation.
The exhibition opens on the 2nd of July and will be on display until the end of the month.
For further information please visit; http://aeringur.wordpress.com/ or contact aeringur@gmail.com