Gestavinnustofa með styrk í maí 2011 hjá Nesi listamiðstöð á Skagaströnd


Við erum að bjóða styrk upp á 32.500 ISK vegna dvalar í maí 2011.
Til þess að fá styrk verður listamaður gera eitthvað með eða fyrir samfélagið hér á Skagaströnd. Þetta getur t.d. verið að halda námskeið eða vera með fyrirlestur.
Til að sækja um dvöl í Nesi er best að fylla út umsóknareyðublaðið sem finna má hér: umsókn um gestavinnustofu. Einnig þarf að senda okkur ferilskrá, stutta verkefnislýsingu og fjórar myndir af fyrri verkum. Þessi gögn skulu sendast á
Frekar upplýsingar um Nes listamiðstöð eru að finna á heimasíðu okkar:
Við eigum ennþá laus pláss sumarið og haustið 2011.

Special stipend for May 2011
A EUR 200 (about USD 280) stipend is now available for residents in May 2011 and we still have openings ...

The stipend project has to involve the Skagaströnd community in some way. This can for example be a short course for the public, workshop or performance etc.
To submit an application, please fill out the application form and send the following to
-A CV or resumé
-Short project description/intentions for your stay
-Four work samples in jpeg format, marked with artists name and title

Further information on our website
Housing and studio facilities 
Artists are provided with a studio space and a bedroom. 

Residents live in apartments in three modest comfortable houses and all including separate bedrooms and a living room, bathroom, kitchen and laundry facilities shared by all the residents.

The studios are open studios located in a former fish-processing plant. Each room gets a space about 12 m2 (130 sq ft). 

Each studio space is equipped with a table-top, two saw horses, stool, chair, shelf unit and a lamp. Residents will have to cover the cost of travel, food, art materials and and possible shipping of art back home.
Further information can be found here.
Residency fees for rooms and one studio space:
- EUR 550 for a single room
One person, one bed
- EUR 700 for a double room
Two persons, two beds or one double bed
- EUR 900 for a family apartment
Two bedrooms, one double bed and one single

Further information on our website

Applications to Nes Artist Residency can be submitted at any time and is for monthly periods ranging from 1 to 6 months.

The residency is not confirmed until a paymentis received.

We still have spaces open for the summer of 2011.

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