Mannréttindabíó KvikYndis

logo_sendirad2Mánudaginn 2. febrúar sýnir KvikYndi tvær myndir í röð heimildarmynda sem fjalla um mannréttindi. Það er Franska sendiráðið á Íslandi sem lánar myndirnar.
Sýningar fara að venju fram á efstu hæð í Rósenborg og byrja kl. 18:00. Leyfilegt er að taka með sér nesti. Hvor myndin er rúmlega 50 mínútur að lengd

Lecon de Biélorusse - A lesson of Belarussian

Eftir Miroslaw Dembinski
56 mínútur

After the collapse of the USSR, a breeze of freedom blew over Minsk University. But when Lukashenko came to power in 1995, Belarus returned to a dictatorship. Despite brutal repression, young Belarusians embody the resistance against the government. Intelligent, talented students are getting organised and calling for a democratic Belarus

Selves and Others: Un Portrait D´Edward Said

Eftir Emmanuel Hamon
52 mínútur

A portrait of the great Palestinian intellectual shortly before his death. In this long interview, Edward Said reminisces about his live, his background, his studies, his daily engagement. He defends his concept of the intellectual and defines his position in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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