Anna Mields opnar sýningu í DaLí Gallery laugardaginn 19. júlí kl. 17


Þýska listakonan Anna Mields opnar myndlistasýningu í DaLí Gallery laugardaginn 19. júlí kl. 17.
Anna Mields dvelst nú á gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins og er þekkt fyrir að vinna útrfá hefðbundnu kyrralífi og fetisma.
Í DaLí Gallery fjallar hún um hina ímynduðu fertugu konu Sibille Scmidt frá A - Þýskalandi, tilfinningalíf hennar og sterialtypu síns tíma.
DaLí gallery er opið laugardaga og sunnudaga kl.14-17 meðan sýningar standa yfir.

Sýning Önnu Mields er til 31. júlí.
Anna Mields s.6908630

Anna Mields recent work deals with association themes of still life tradition and fetishism.
By using reproduced fruits the preserved image presents a moment between freshness and decay. Often presented or displayed on structures suggesting containment the casts functions as strange decoration or obtains a function as character.
 Within the videos everyday food products occur alienated from its usual appearance and there specific movement is created through a performative act. Within those situations the former disregarded object gains meaning signifying different conditions of the human body. 

Theme of the show at the Gallerie Dali in Akureyri is a fictive woman character called Sibille Schmidt. Sibille is a woman aged around 40 living in the former GDR (East Germany) in the late 1970s. She is a future imagination based on bygone facts: a personified emotion and stereotype.
The show consists of a set-up like an interior space creating in a subtle way the mental persona of “Sibille Schmidt”. Segments of interior and furniture are combined with banal objects. The objects take on a role in an “absurd” play by creating new associations all around the domestic space and oppressed feelings. The show window like situation will do its uncomfortable touch to those naked stripped bare attitudes of the intimate.  

The installation refers to a foreign sensation that directly links the interior with the human body.
As leftovers of a happening the objects will be ghostly witnesses of what hade happened. Developed into autonomous objects and displayed in the gallery they create the mental portrait of Sibille Schmidt.


Kær kveðja
Dagrún og Lína í DaLí Gallery
8957173 / 8697872
Brekkugata 9, 600 Akureyri

opið lau-sun kl.14-17 í sumar

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