Wiola Ujazdowska sýnir í Kaktus


Wiola Ujazdowska opnar sýninguna Precious gems í Kaktus. Sýningin er opin laugardag frá 14:30 - 17:00 og sunnudag frá 14:00 - 17:00. Hér er texti Wiolu um verkin:

What is precious in our body? What makes it beautiful? Or disgusting? The models of beauty had been changing as well what parts of body are allowed for a viewer eye or which are covered in darkness of censorship. What is precious and what is a house of sin.
One of the forbidden parts for many years were ( and still are!) genitals. Both men’s and women’s. In European culture which is dominated by Christianity, genitals and especially vaginas have been a place of body according to Saint Augustine between “Piss and feces” so something banned. Unsightly. Covered with a leaf, or fancy composition of drapery. A part that should not be mentioned in the visual transposition of human body, nevertheless one of the first images that human had been creating was a visual representation of penis and vagina. They were a fetish, symbols of reproduction power. They were precious.
Vaginas had magical powers, not only the power of giving life but also a power of protection from nature or enemy, like in the ritual of Ana-Suromai in which women have been presenting naked vulva to danger.
Gems are interpretation of the most popular simple and the oldest visual representation of vagina – an extruded circle as well as perforation and opening- the canvas had been cut through showing what or not is behind the surface of image. Moreover, Gems as very decorative paintings where bright colors, glass beads, glitter, parts of jewelry put them close to the kitsch and also make forms more abstractive and near to paintings- faked jewels. They are shining and catch the eye of the viewer. Now vulva is again in the spot light. Shiny and glittery. That’s my visual representation of Ana Suromai ritual. I am showing you my vulva’s but you don’t need to be scared. I am disenchanting vaginas. Look at them and enjoy their beauty.
Precious are small objects, questioning what is beautiful in female body and a problem of abject/ dismemberment of body. In a small glass vial am putting parts of my body that women are really aware of or they are essential of them. So we have hairs, nails, menstrual blood, eyelash, eybrows parts of lips skin. Are my nails still mine although I have cut them? What about my hairs? Are they still mine? Who or what is it closed in the glass? All closed in a vial with a ribbon and a chain that I can wear them as necklace, fetish. Be next to my body but never we shall be part.

Wiola Ujazdowska- born 1988 in Toruń, Poland. Visual artist and esthetician. In 2012 she recived master in art theory at Nicolaus Copernicus University. In years 2010-2014 she was studying painting and stained glass at Art Department of the same University. In 2012 she got an Jan Winczakiewicz award and went for art residency in Paris, the same year she started one year of studies in Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences in Cologne.

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