Gestavinnustofa Gilfélagsins auglýsir eftir umsóknum fyrir 2009

gilid Gestavinnustofa Gilfélagsins auglýsir eftir umsóknum fyrir 2009.
Umsóknarfrestur er til 15. Apríl 2008.

The Gil Society's guest artists' studio is open for applications for the year 2009.

Applications must be sent before April 15. 2008.

The visitors' studio is at Kaupvangsstræti, in the very heart of Listagil, Akureyri's Art Centre. The studio is owned by the Municipality of Akureyri, and the Gil Society is in charge of its operations. The premises consist of a furnished apartment and working facilities.

The studio enables visiting artists to concentrate on their work by
providing them with this accommodation, for 1 month at a time and,
simultaneously, to acquaint the townspeople with artists of diverse origin
and their art, thus broadening the town's cultural horizon.
Applications must arrive before 15. of April. Applications will be answered
in May and the fee for staying in the Guest studio (10.000 IKR) must be
payed by 1. of July. The fee is used for advertising events, phone bills,
electricity, renewal of equipment etc.
It has been a custom that visitors in the studio promote their work in one
way or another during their stay. Artists must hold a lecture on their work
on behalf of the application committee, which is comprised of artists and
volunteers organising the visitiors' studio. The artists must also at the
end of each term open their studio for exhibition.
There are no fundings or grants that come with the visitors' studio, but the
artists receive a signed, formal invitation and the application committee
will be at hand to assist as it can with funding.
Artists interested in having exhibitions in Akureyri, can contact the
application comittee with requests and ideas at:
Moreover, artists staying during summer have an oppurtinity to participate
in the annual Summer Arts festival which is comprised of various events from
23. june to the end of August in Akureyri.

Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir
Supervisor of the studio for visiting artists in Akureyri

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