26.3.2019 | 21:49
Kate Bae sýnir í Deiglunni
Verið velkomin á opnun "Rogue Valley" í Deiglunni föstudaginn 29. mars kl. 17 - 20. Gestalistamaður Gilfélagsins í marsmánuði, Kate Bae, sýnir afrakstur dvalar sinnar.
Einnig opið laugardag og sunnudag, 30. - 31. mars kl. 14 - 17.
Rogue Valley er sería akrýlinnsetninga unnin á meðan Kate dvaldi í gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins í mars. Verkin eru unnin með loftslag, jökla og bráðnun íss í huga sem og þau hughrif sem landslagið vakti.
Kate Bae er fædd og uppalin í Busan í Kóreu en býr og starfar sem myndlistamaður og sýningarstjóri í New York, Bandaríkjunum. Listsköpun hennar beinist að margföldum sjálfsmyndum, minningum, mörk hugsýki og geðveiki. Kate er með MFA gráðu í málun frá Rhode Island School of Design og BFA frá the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Kate hefur sýnt víða, bæði í New York og annarsstaðar og hefur einnig hlotið ýmis verðlaun. Þetta er í annað sinn sem hún tekur þátt í gestavinnustofu á Íslandi en hún hefur dvalið í gestavinnustofum víða um heim. Einkasýning á verkum hennar verður haldin í Sunroom Project Space í Wave Hill í Bronx, NY, á árinu.
Please join us for the opening of artist in residence, Kate Bae´s exhibition "Rogue Valley" in Deiglan on Friday, March 29th, at 18:00. Light refreshments provided and the artist will be present.
Also open March 30 - 31th at 14 - 17.
Rogue Valley is a respond to the geological characters of Iceland made while staying in Gil Artist Residency. The works are colourful acrylic paint installations inspired by the climate, glaciers and the melting ice.
Born and raised in Busan, Korea, Kate Bae is an immigrant artist and independent curator based in New York City. Her youth was mostly spent on exploring the purpose of life and how to communicate with others. Kates art practice is focused on multiple identities, memories, neurosis and psychological borders. She holds an MFA from Rhode Island School of Design and a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, both in painting. Some of her recent exhibitions include Temporary Approximations and Grow, co-curatorial projects with Fictional Art Collective, an women artist led organization based in NYC. Kate is also recipient of several awards, Creative Capital Professional Development Program in 2018 and New York Foundation for the Arts Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program in 2017. She has completed many residencies such as the Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts, SÍM Seljavegur Residency, the Studios at Mass MoCA, Trestle Gallery Residency, the Wassaic Project, Contemporary Artist Center, Tentacles+Surface Arts, Post Contemporary Residency and most recently at Marpha Foundation, Mustang, Nepal. Kate has exhibited nationally and internationally and has upcoming solo show at the Sunroom Project Space in Wave Hill, Bronx, NY in 2019.
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