Sumar... Umhleypingar í Listhúsinu Ólafsfirði


Sumar... Umhleypingar

myndbands sýning eftir Shan Shan

16. júli 2013|kl.19-21 (opnun)
17. júli 2013|kl.17-19

"Sumar... Umhleypingar" is a solo exhibition of new work by Shan Shan. The two-channel video installation loop with sound investigates the space between mechanical possibilities and material reality. How do we convey emotions? Human emotions has been replaced, transformed to a digital form of memory. In the virtual world multiplies into infinite possibilities. No feelings of temperature; no feelings of heat; no feelings of sensation. Memories of summer swallowed by digital data... 

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Alice Liu 
+354 8449538

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