Myndlistarsýningin 'Precipice' í Deiglunni


Verið velkomin á myndlistarsýninguna 'Precipice' í Deiglunni kl. 14:00 - 17:00, 13. og 14. maí.

Myndlistarmennirnir Dana Hargrove, Dawn Roe og Rachel Simmons ásamt landfræðingnum Lee Lines sýna.

Sýningarstjóri er Dana Hargrove.

Nánari upplýsingar um sýninguna á ensku hér fyrir neðan.


Group exhibition ‘Precipice’ at Deiglan, Akureyri, Iceland, curated by Dana Hargrove

14:00 – 17:00, May 13th & 14th, 2017

Deiglan, Listagil , Art Street, Kaupvangsstræti 23, Akureyri, Iceland

Artists Dana Hargrove, Dawn Roe and Rachel Simmons and geographer Lee Lines announce a group exhibition titled:




The USA-based artists and collaborators of the group exhibition Precipice have created an exhibition that uses the Icelandic landscape as a vehicle, or jumping off point (precipice) to prompt thoughtful deliberation on universal concerns. Each artist has allowed Iceland’s landscape to infiltrate into the content of their art practice while conducting fieldwork or participating in Icelandic artist residencies. The works, of varying mediums and theoretical approach, promote multi-faceted interpretations, yet often cross paths in areas concerning memory, perception, representation, consumerism, climate change, and sustainability.

The installation format, including the use of wall text, encourages broader conversation regarding our perceptions of landscape as a natural, cultural, and politicized entity. The artists wish to serve as alt rogue ambassadors (#altgov) for the USA, among the many in opposition to the current Trump administration’s attack on science and intellectualism, which unless resisted could very well jeopardize life on this beautiful planet.


Dana Hargrove, Professor of Art

Dawn Roe, Associate Professor of Art

Rachel Simmons, Professor of Art

Dr. Lee Lines, Professor of Environmental Studies

Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, USA.


The exhibition will be on view Saturday May 13th 14:00 – 17:00 and May 14th 14:00-17:00, 2017 with an opening reception on the Saturday 14:00 -17:00pm

Deiglan, Listagil / Art Street, Kaupvangsstræti 23, Akureyri, Iceland.

Both the opening reception and exhibition are free and open to the public.

For more information or images please contact:

This exhibition is brought to you by the artists, Rollins College, Listhus Artist Residency, and Deiglan, Listagil, Akureyri.

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