23.2.2017 | 09:43
Lack of definition, Katinka Theis og Immo Eyser í Deiglunni
Katinka Theis og Immo Eyser
Lack of definition
Laugardaginn 25. janúar 2017 kl. 15 19
Deiglan, Kaupvangsstræti 23, 600 Akureyri
Verið velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar Lack of Definition eftir myndlistarmennina Katinka Theis og Immo Eyser í Deiglunni, Akureyri á laugardaginn kl. 15 19.
Katinka Theis og Immo Eyser eru gestalistamenn Gilfélagsins í febrúar 2017.
Á sýningunni má sjá marglaga myndverk sem takast á við andstæða póla loftkenndra og sniðinna mynda. Immo Eyser sýnir samklippimyndband úr aðstæðum á Íslandi og í Berlín. Myndbandið leggur áherslu á tenginguna á milli náttúrulegra atburða og verkefna á byggingarsvæðum. Katinka Theis mun sýna stór ljósmyndaprent sem hafa teygt sig út með límbandsteikningu.
Katinka Theis og Immo Eyser búa og starfa í Berlín, Þýskalandi. Þau stunduðu listnám við Alanus University for Arts and Social Sciences í Bonn og Katinka Theis útskrifaðist með meistaragráðu við Weissensee listaháskólann í Berlín. Hún vinnur með skúlptúr, innsetningar og list í almannarýmii og hefur kennt í Witten-Herdecke háskólanum síðan 2015. Immo Eyser er vídeolistamaður ásamt því að halda myndlistarnámskeið fyrir einstaklinga og fyrirtæki.
www.katinkatheis.de www.immoeyser.de
Deiglan, Kaupvangsstræti 23, Akureyri.
Lack of definition
February 25, 2017
You are invited to attend the opening of Lack of Definition by artists Katinka Theis and Immo Eyser in Deiglan Akureyri..
Open: Saturday 4 - 7 pm
Katinka Theis and Immo Eyser are the artists of the Gil Artist Residency in February 2017.
The exhibition presents works with different image layers which are dealing with the contrast of atmospheric and constructive images. Immo Eyser will show a video collage of filmed situations from several stays in Iceland and Berlin. The video focus the connection between sequences of nature events and situations from construction sites. Katinka Theis will show large printed photographs which have been extended by drawings out of tapes. The prints represents spacious icelandic landscapes with a second layer of geometric constructions. Each drawing follow the shape of a landscape and create an architectural situation.
Katinka Theis was born in Freiburg, Germany (1975) and lives and works in Berlin. She studied fine art / sculpture at Alanus University for Arts and Social Sciences in Bonn and graduated with a master`s degree from Weissensee School of Art in Berlin. Her works are characterized by sculpture, installations and art in public spaces. She exhibits in national and international solo and group shows and realized 2014 an art-in-architecture project. Since 2015, she holds a teaching position at University Witten-Herdecke.
Immo Eyser was born in Bremen, (Germany) 1969. He is a video artist based since 2002 in Berlin. He studied fine art / sculpture and cultural education at Alanus University for Arts and Social Sciences in Bonn. In addition to his work with video, he gives art seminars for students and manager in different institutions and companies. Since 2012 he is leading an art workshop with handicapped persons in Berlin.
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