24.1.2017 | 14:55
Barbara Bernardi sýnir í Deiglunni
Orð frá Íslandi
Verið velkomin á opnun sýningar Barbara Bernardi, Orð frá Íslandi laugardaginn 28. janúar kl. 14 17 í Deiglunni, Kaupvangsstræti 23. Einnig opið á sunnudag 14 17. Léttar veitingar í boði og listamaðurinn verður á staðnum.
Orð frá Íslandi er mynd- og hljóðinnsetning unnin á meðan dvöl minni í Gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins á Akureyri stóð.
Ég safnaði fyrstu hughrifunum úr síbreytilegu landslaginu og ég tengi þau við einveruna í þessu nýja listræna samtali við náttúruna á Akureyri.
Þetta ferli varð speglun þar sem líkamleg hreyfing og hreyfing tilfinninganna, líkamlegt og tilfinningaferðalag speglast í hvort öðru.
Myndir, orð og rödd eftir Barbara Bernardi.
Tónlist eftir Marco Capra.
Barbara Bernardi er ítölsk vídeolistakona sem hefur búið og starfað í Berlín síðan 2008. Hún lærði kvikmyndaleikstjórn í Mílanó og lauk MFA í Vídeolist í London's Chelsea College of Art and Design. Hún hefur komið víða við og m.a. starfað sem leikstjóri við þáttagerð, unnið myndbönd og innsetningar fyrir leikhús og heimildarmyndina Ciao Italia sem var sýnd á kvikmyndahátíðum og hlaut önnur verðlaun á hátíð í Ítalíu.
Barbara vinnur vídeoverk í samvinnu við aðra listamenn, ljóðskáld, gjörningalista, dansara og tónlistamenn og þessi verk hafa verið sýnd í Þýskalandi, Frakklandi og Ítalíu.
Hún er gestalistamaður Gilfélagsins í janúarmánuði.
Words from Iceland
You are invited to attend the opening of Words from Iceland by artist Barbara Bernardi in Deiglan, Kaupvangsstræti 23, Akureyri. Open Saturday 14 17 and Sunday 14 17.
"Words from Iceland" is a video and sound installation which shows a work in progress during my Gil Residency in Akureyri.
I collected the first strong impressions of a landscape that changes every day and I related them to the feelings of solitude in a new artistic dialogue with the nature in Akureyri.
This process was a mirror in which physical movement and emotional movement, physical journey and emotional journey reflect themselves into each other.
Images, words and voice by Barbara Bernardi.
Music by Marco Capra
Barbara Bernardi
Born in Padua, after graduating in Directing from the Film School of Milan, she received a scholarship to read a Master in Fine Arts, specialising in Video Art, at London's Chelsea College of Art and Design.
After returning to Milan, she worked as a director for a national music TV channel for Tv Shows about music and art. She received a scholarship by the Gallery Isolacasatheatro in Milan for her art work as video installations for the opening of the Gallery and for theatre's plays. Since 2008 she lives and works in Berlin as an artist and video-maker.
In 2010 "Ciao Italia, a documentary film made with Fausto Caviglia, was screened in cinemas in Berlin, Milan, Rome, Florence and it took part in several Film festivals among them in Padua, La Spezia, Nettuno and Latina; it won the second prize at the regional Migration Museum 'Pietro Conti', Italy.
Since 2015 she created video and sound installation, which were shown in exhibitions in Berlin bei Funkhaus und Kunst am Spree Knie 2015 and 2016; with performance in Schöneweide as part of the Licht Gestalten Festival, at the archi-Medial, in Berlin; in Nantes, (France) at the Gallery Le Rayon Vert and at the Cosmopolis Festival 2016.
Her videos with poet Nicoletta Grillo has been awarded with three First Prizes in Literature Festivals in Italy in 2016. The film together with Flaminia Vendruscolo, dancer/performer, was screened at the Festival in Bath, UK.
She collaborated with the musician Antoine Lukac making two videos art for his music.
Since September 2016 she has started to work on a video/sound installation with performance, together with artist Nina Hansen to be shown in Copenhagen, 2017.
She is the artist of the Gil Artist Residency in Akureyri in January 2017.
She likes to create new atmospheres. She collects and produces images, sounds, moments and voices, which later she edits together experimenting new stories.
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