25.5.2011 | 17:43
NEVER ENDING SKAGA í Mjólkurbúðinni og Boxi Sal Myndlistarfélagsins
Listagili á Akureyri
Never Ending Skaga eru tvær samsýningar sem opna í Listagilinu á
Akureyri, í Mjólkurbúðinni og í Boxi Sal Myndlistarfélagsins,
laugardaginn 28.maí kl.14.
Listamennirnir eru: Shane Finan frá Sligo á Írlandi, Dieter Wagner frá
Hamborg í Þýskalandi, Evelyn Rupschis frá Berlin og Candice Chu frá New
York en þau dveljast nú öll á gestavinnustofum á Nesi á vegum
listamiðstöðvarinnar á Skagaströnd.
Sýningarnar Never Ending Skaga eru aðeins þessa einu sýningarhelgi
28.-29.maí og opið á milli kl.14-17!!!
Shane Finan um sýninguna:
The title of the exhibition is a play on words with an Icelandic twinge.
"Never Ending Story" is an old book and film - this was converted to
"Never Ending Saga" to be an Icelandic twist, and finally we decided on
"Never Ending Skaga" - a never-ending peninsula. This is a paradox - a
peninsula cannot be never-ending. This title is matched by the works, the
endless creation process mixed with the paradoxical idea that creation is
endless (if it is endless then how do we ever finish a piece of art, or is
a piece of art ever really finished?).
All of the work was done during a residency at NES in Skagastrond by four
artists with four diverse backgrounds and ages ranging from early twenties
to mid-fifties. The work responds to living in the peninsula town. The
artists have made numerous references to how their color and form have
been influenced by the town and the surrounding countryside, intentionally
or unintentionally.
The creation of art is an unending cycle of change and development, with a
finite end only when the creation stops, which it can never do, even long
after an artist has passed away. This is the core idea behind "Never
Ending Skaga" - the paradox of art.
Nánari upplýsingar um listamenn má finna hér:
www.shanefinanart.webs.com www.ludwig-rupschus.de
www.cargocollective.com/candicecchu www.neslist.is
Sýningarnar eru opnar laugardag og sunnudag 28. - 29. maí kl. 14-17
Flokkur: Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:53 | Facebook
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