10.2.2011 | 13:38
Umsóknir um vinnustofur í Dalsåsen, Noregi

Professional artists, designers, architects and curators are eligible to apply for residency.
Artists cabins / Nordic Artists' Centre Dalsåsen, photo Laura Vuoma
The selection is based on artistic merits and the quality of artistic practice.
Applicants from outside the Nordic region are expected to be fluent in English.
Please note that the program is not available for students.
Residency periods are 2 or 3 months. Please indicate preferred time and length of stay in the application but note that the nkd reserves the right to suggest a different period or/and length of residency.
The residency at the Nordic Artists' Centre includes a monthly grant of 6700 NOK, living and working space, as well as covered travel expenses up to 5500 NOK. Artists' houses are fully equipped, studios are 50m², with a wireless internet access available in both houses and studios.
Application should include:
a CV containing contact information
Project proposal for the residency
Short artist statement
Examples of previous work:
Up to 15 images ( JPEG, 72 dpi, max 1MB per image) and/or Video/sound work ( edited to max. 3 min)
Link to a website
All submitted material should be Macintosh compatible.
Application form is available for downloading in Word at http://www.nkdale.no/art_artists.html
Please send the application by e-mail to: residency(at)nkdale.no
We only accept applications using the application form, and only digital documentation.
Nordisk kunstnarsenter Dalsåsen
6963 Dale i Sunnfjord Norway
Tlf. +47 577 36 200 | 201
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