
Laugardaginn 23. október kl. 14:00 opnar svissneska listakonan Sonja Lotta sýninguna the complexity of letting go í Populus tremula á Akureyri.
Sonja Lotta, sem býr og starfar í Zurich, er listmenntuð í Bandaríkjunum og Skotlandi. Í list sinni skráir hún hversdagsleika daglegs lífs út frá óvæntum og jafnvel ærslafullum sjónarhornum. Öll verkin á sýningunni eru ný og byggja á upplifun listakonunnar af dvöl sinni á Íslandi.
Sýningin verður einnig opin sunnudaginn 24. október kl. 14:00-17:00. Aðeins þessi eina helgi.

name of the show: the complexity of letting go  

by: Sonja Lotta

when: 23/24 October

where: Populus Tremula, Akureyri, Iceland

The work for Populus Tremula is based on the impression and emotions of my stay here in Iceland. All the works are new.
In my practice I document or alienate the daily life and its banality. I work within different views and highlight the everyday life always new. Playfully I add narrative levels, which go beyond the everyday life and opens up to look at it in a different way.

The media I work in mostly is Photography and Video; nevertheless it does not exclude other medias. Since 2007 I live and work in Zurich Switzerland where I am originally from. Before that I studied in the USA and Scotland Photography and Fine Art.

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