Myndlistasýning í Deiglunni: "An Exploration of Things Regarding Odin’s Eye"


Myndlistamennirnir Ole Nesset frá Noregi og Callum Lantham frá Bretlandi opna sýninguna "
An Exploration of Things Regarding Odin’s Eye" um næstu helgi í Deiglunni í Listagilinu á Akureyri. Þeir félagar eru gestalistamenn í vinnustofu Gilfélagsins. Þeir sýna verk sem þeir hafa verið að vinna við síðan þeir komu til íslands í byrjun mánaðarins.
This exhibition aims to bring together works that question. Works that interrogate and ask for information. Works that sacrifice for this inquisition.

The work contained within this exhibition uses a range of technics, from conceptual forethought to unique ways of working with traditional mediums, such as long exposures, and the process of physically manipulating and affecting the rolls of film under the influence of light to create an image.

Bloggfærslur 19. apríl 2016


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