Laura Miettinen opnar sýningu í Deiglunni á laugardaginn kl. 14


Laura Miettinen myndlistamaður frá Finnlandi er gestalistamaður mánaðarins í gestavinnustofu Gilfélagið Listagil

Hún opnar myndlistasýningu í Deiglunni um helgina!
Opið laugardag og sunnudag milli 14-17
Allir velkomnir.

Drifted relics

I am part of a collaborative working group preparing an exhibition, 'Philosophical Garden', Heimspekilegur Gar∂ur. That exhibition will build up on top of and among the artworks I have created during my stay in Akureyri Guest Studio. This pre-exhibition I call 'Drifted relics'.

I think about the Philosophical garden as a collection of different esthetical, political, visual and philosophical phenomena which move with people across the seas. Garden is flourishing on an island in the middle of the sea. The idea will reveal oneself in different places and materials, often drifted on a shore to be found.

Drifted relics, the Chair and the Wandering Staff makes a collection of things that came to me; just those I was looking for. The Braid of my hair I brought with me across the Sea to be part of the tokens of human endeavor.

Laura Miettinen
visual Artist, Finland

Útgáfuhóf í Útibúinu í Listagilinu


útgáfuhóf! útgáfuteiti!!

í tilefni útgáfu weird and personal II, er þér boðið í útgáfupartí.
laugardaginn 25. júlí í útibúinu. kl.14. útibúið verður staðsett í Listagilinu.
weird and personal er annað zine-ið í útgáfuröðinni og inniheldur blöndu af teikningum, ljósmyndum og texta.
kostar 200 kr. komið með klink ef ykkur langar í eintak, aðeins 20 eintök.

Eva Árnadóttir stundar nám í grafískri hönnun við KADK í Kaupmannahöfn.

Sýningar Útibúsins eru hluti af Listasumar á Akureyri 2015
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Heiðdís Hólm í síma 8482770 eða heiddis.holm (hjá) gmail . com


publishing party!!

weird and personal II will be published in útibúið/the branch saturday july 25th at 2pm in akureyri art street. weird and personal is the second zine in the edition and includes a mix of drawings, photographs and text by eva árnadóttir. the zine costs 200 kr. bring coins if you want one. only 20 were made.

eva árnadóttir is a graphic design student at KADK in copenhagen.

Bloggfærslur 22. júlí 2015


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