Pi Bartholdy opnar ljósmyndasýningu í Deiglunni


Pi Bartholdy opnar ljósmyndasýningu í Deiglunni í Listagilinu á Akureyri laugardaginn 21. febrúar kl. 14:00. Sýningin ber titilinn "Harbinger".
Pi er gestalistamaður febrúarmánaðar í gestavinnustofu Gilfélagsins. 
Sýningin verður opin laugardaginn 21. febrúar og sunnudaginn 22. febrúar frá 14-17.

Hún segir sjálf:
"On Gilfelag residency I started a new photographic project with the theme being the big nature seen and felt from the perspective of the human. Working with images where the great nature is overwhelming and everything can be heard in the silence between the small towns. Digging into a mysterious universe where something can be hiding in shadows and corners.
Using the melancholy that it brings, the surrealism and the darkness. The feeling of standing alone in it and being a part of it."


Bloggfærslur 19. febrúar 2015


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